Wednesday, December 27, 2017

BJD End of the Year Tag


I'm doing the BJD End of the Year tag today. I had a hard time finding the original, not filled out, or anyone who did one specific tag on YouTube, but I found this one on tumblr. It seems to be a few years old, but it's what I could find, so let's do this thing!

1. How long have you been in the BJD hobby?

I’ll have been in the hobby for a year at the end of this upcoming January! So 11 months currently, but I've known about and been low grade interested in BJDs since 2014.

2. How many dolls do you have at home? 

I currently have four full dolls at home, I’m waiting on a few though! I’ve got my big DollZone box coming in the new year that I’m super excited for, as well as the Dearmine Chopin in cherry skin coming in late to mid February. I’ve kiiiind of got five, but my only SD girl is a bag of parts until I get back to school and have elastic. Which is disappointing, but sometimes how the cookie crumbles.

3. What are their names and sculpts?

Bridget is a ResinSoul Mei in white, Amelia is a ResinSoul Rong in dark tan, Gretchen is a ResinSoul Yu in green, and Lucy is an Asleep Eidolon in normal skin! I also have Cassandra, my bag of parts Impldoll Iris in normal skin.

4. Which doll have you had the longest? How long has it been? 

I’ve had Bridget since January 27th! She was originally styled very very differently, she was going to be frilly and femme. So she's had quite an aesthetic journey so far!

5. Which doll is your favorite?

I actually don’t know that I have a favorite! Bridget’s aesthetic is my personal favorite, and I love finding or making clothes for her, but I LOVE Amelia’s poseability (as well as her aesthetic, honestly, and she tends to be easier to shop for). Gretchen’s green resin delights me, and she makes a great desk buddy, as does Lucy, who’s also super cute and has been much easier to make a style plan for. I keep trying to answer this question definitively and not being able to, so.

6. Are you waiting on any dolls now? If yes, which one(s)? 

Yes! I sort of addressed this, but I’m waiting on a big box from DollZone which will contain a body for Jonah (the B45-018), a Penny, and a Niu Niu! That’s all paid for, and I also have a Dearmine Bean Chopin on layaway with Denver Doll who I'm very excited for. She's the cherry skin fullset with the cute little dress!

7. What is your grail doll? 

​I wish I’d found the questions sooner because I literally just did a post on this, but my major grails are Summerbird Viola and Luts Kid Delf Moonlit Song Bory! The Bory variant in particular is the one I consider my grail above all other grails, it's an absolutely gorgeous sculpt that would be beyond perfect for my character Gil.

8. Did you learn to do something new because of this hobby? (e.g. photography, painting, sewing) 

I’ve learned a lot about sewing and pattern design! I’ve really struggled with pattern drafting in the past, so it’s a skill I’m very proud to have gained. At some point in the future I'd like to do a post on pattern drafting for people who've never done it before or who've had bad results with it, my working title is "Pattern Drafting For Dumbasses (Like Me!)"

9. Have you made any friends you might otherwise not have because of this hobby? 

For sure! I’ve made a lot of friends in the hobby through my local BJD group, which has been super great. It’s a very welcoming group of people and I honestly would’ve had a much harder time at the beginning without them. One of my newbie issues was getting Bridget's head back on after taking it off to change her eyes for the first time, and it was actually someone in the group who tipped me off to how to get it back on.

10. What are your doll plans for this coming year?

I have a HUGE post on this coming up, but the major elements are getting face ups for some of my heads and working on wardrobes. Also in my doll plans are applying to do a BJD panel at PortCon and, hopefully, grails not popping up, no new dolls until at least June! My wallet needs a break and a refocus in the new year.

Sorry this post was a little late, we’ve been fighting with our internet and it’s been a little wonky around here. I have internet on my laptop for the first time since 3 yesterday.

See you Saturday!


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